Part of the gardening for wildlife, ecology, habitat management and meadow work Gareth and his team carry out, beekeeping is one of the services provided.
The ‘original’ apiary at Aust in South Gloucestershire. What started as three hives soon expanded into a decent size apiary with swarms and division to manage the thriving bee colonies.

Double broods and additional supers reflecting the productivity of some of the colonies.

This years weather resulted in late spring inspections, thriving winter colonies and an exodus of swarms. Even took beekeepers more experienced than me by surprise. Collected a few swarms and re-housed them.

Some hives moved to private estates near Bitton. Above the River Boyd with Lime tree avenues, old hedgerows, floodplains and some afternoon dappled shade. Very happy bees.
Will have to add extra supers to these new colonies soon. Maybe get enough honey to steal some this autumn. As long as the bees have enough for their winter stores.
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